Understanding Social Security Disability Representative Payees
When a worker becomes too ill to work, they might apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). The amount provided by the Social Security Administration (SSA) allows those not able to work at their jobs with a small income to pay for the expenses of living. Unfortunately, some SSDI recipients are unable to properly deal with the financial benefits of SSDI. Read on to learn more about Social Security representative payees.
Playing Your Bankruptcy Wildcard
If you are thinking about filing for bankruptcy, exemptions play a considerable role when it comes to keeping property. Every state allows chapter 7 bankruptcy filers to use a certain dollar amount to exempt property from seizure. Once a property is exempt, the bankruptcy trustee cannot take it from you to help pay off some of your debts. Most filers are so concerned about losing property that they may put off the financial relief they need for far too long.
Divorce And Residency Issues: What To Know
If you and your spouse have exhausted your options to work it out and stay married, divorce is likely on your radar. The issues of who files first and where the divorce gets filed can play a part in the divorce proceedings, and this is one area that divorcing couples should know about ahead of time. To learn more about residency requirements for getting divorced, read on.
State residency requirements
4 Tips To Make Things Easier For Your Beneficiary When You Pass Away
Right now, you might be working on setting up your will and otherwise making final arrangements. You might have also chosen a beneficiary. If this is the case, then there's a good chance that the beneficiary that you have chosen is someone who you really care about. You probably do not want for things to be any more difficult for your beneficiary than necessary when you pass away, but you should know that handling a person's estate after they die can sometimes be quite challenging.
3 Big Mistakes You Shouldn't Make When Out On Bail
Bail bond companies exist for one purpose: they help people get out of jail and keep their lives on track while they're waiting on a court date. Bail bonds make it possible for people of ordinary or reduced means to remain employed, take care of their homes and families, and work with their attorneys more easily while their cases are pending before the court.
However, people often make mistakes after their out on a bond that put their freedom back on the line.
3 Tips To Remember When Hiring A Worker's Compensation Lawyer
If you're injured at work, you may be able to qualify for worker's compensation. This assistance program is designed to provide monetary relief to help pay for medical bills and potentially lost wages. A worker's compensation attorney can assist with this process, but you'll want to consider these tips before hiring one.
Determine Whether You Really Need One
Working with these attorneys isn't always cheap, so it's important to make sure that their assistance is absolutely necessary for moving forward with your worker's compensation claim.
Get A Patent For Your Invention: The Steps You'll Need To Follow Before Your Copyright Creation
Have you come up with a fantastic invention? It may be like nothing you've seen or heard of before and it may be something you believe will benefit a large group of people, making it worth the investment to have it trademarked before someone else could potentially copy your idea and get credit for it. If you don't know how to patent an invention and everything seems a bit complicated, it may be helpful to hire a patent attorney or law firm like Lingbeck Law Office to help.
Red Workers' Compensation Flags To Watch Out For
When you get hurt on the job, you can count on your employer's workers' comp to cover you for your injury; or can you? In most cases workers' comp does exactly what it is expected to do: it pays for your medical expenses and provides you with a partial salary until you can return to regular duty. Unfortunately, some situations require you take more steps; legal steps in, fact. Read on to learn about some situations that may require you seek help from a workers' comp lawyer.
Why A Lawyer May Turn Down Your Case, Even If It Has Merit
Accident victims generally assume that car accident lawyers can only reject their cases that don't have merit, but this isn't true. A lawyer can reject your case even if it is clear that you have been injured due to another person's negligence, and you have a legal basis for your claim. Here are some of the reasons a lawyer may reject such a claim.
The Defendant Can't Afford Your Damages
Two Reasons The IRS May Reclassify You As An Employee
As an independent contractor, you work for yourself. However, there are times when the IRS may attempt to reclassify you as an employee when the agency does an audit on a company you work for. This can have significant consequences for your own business taxes if this happens, and you may actually lose the client because the company doesn't want the headache of treating you like an employee in the future.