Should You Try Online Dating Apps During Your Divorce?

Even though you are getting divorced, you may be thinking about your future. Ideally, you will one day meet someone new and begin a new relationship. Divorces take months, if not years, to become final. Some states even have a required waiting period even  if you both agree on your divorce terms. You may decide you want to begin dating and even join the different dating apps available online to begin making contacts with new people while your divorce is still pending. However, you have to think about whether or not using any dating apps while you go through your divorce is a smart thing to do. The following are some things to consider:

Are You Legally Allowed to Join Dating Apps?

You can join dating apps as you move through the divorce process. You may be feeling the need to meet new people and spend time together. In no-fault states, you can typically date during your divorce since neither of you are required to show cause. You simply state you have irreconcilable differences.

If you do not live in a no-fault state, you may have some difficulties if you try to date during your divorce. Your spouse may use your dating attempts to show you are committing adultery. Even though you are ending your marriage, you are still legally married until the judge decrees your divorce dissolved. In this case, it is best to avoid any type of romantic relationship until the divorce is final.

Can Joining Dating Apps Have an Effect on Your Final Settlement?

When you live in a no-fault state, you may see an effect on your settlement. If you hope to get spousal support, starting a new relationship can possibly change the dollar amount you receive. Some judges may not consider your new relationship when deciding your divorce settlement. Either way, it is always best to err on the side of caution.

Some judges may have a negative view on your relationship when it comes to determining custody of your children. If your former spouse does not like who you are dating, he or she may fight for more custody. Your spouse could also argue that meeting people online can be dangerous for your children. You could end up with little to no time with your children.

Contact a law firm like Thompson Salinas Londergan, LLP to learn more about how dating can affect the divorce process.
