Tips For Getting Short-Term Social Security Disability After A Car Accident
Getting into a car accident can create a surplus of problems in your life, including losing your ability to work. If you were injured severely and will not be able to return to work for a long time, you might be able to file for short-term Social Security disability benefits. These benefits are designed to help people that are disabled and unable to make money, but getting approved is not always an easy task. Here are two things you should know about short-term Social Security disability benefits.
What are the requirements?
The first thing to know is that you will not be able to collect these benefits unless you will be unable to work for at least one year. If you expect to go back to work in four or five months, applying for benefits may be a waste of time.
You should also realize that you cannot qualify for these if you are still able to work at all. In other words, your injuries might be too severe to allow you to work at your normal occupation, but you might not be injured to the point where you cannot work at all. If you still have the ability to hold a job, even if it is not your current job, it may be hard to get approved, unless you are earning less than the Social Security income guidelines.
Are there strategies that can help you get approved?
Only 35% of people who apply for Social Security benefits are approved after their initial request. The others are turned down, and they can either drop the request, or they can fight it. To have the best chances of getting approved, you will need to:
- Make sure you fill out the paperwork accurately and completely and mail it in on time. Many applications are denied due to errors or omissions in the paperwork.
- Have the right documentation to prove you are unable to work. This can include documents and reports from your doctor, therapist, or other healthcare providers you are working with.
- Hire a social security attorney to help you with your case. Handling a case alone can be difficult, which is why you might have a better chance of collecting benefits if you have a lawyer doing the work for you.
If you are injured and unable to work, you might qualify for Social Security disability. To learn more about this, contact a social security attorney (such as one from Gieg Law Offices) in your neighborhood today.